Implantable Prosthetic Devices
Under 42 CFR 419.2(b)(11), implantable prosthetic devices (other than dental) which replace all or part of an internal body organ (including colostomy bags and supplies directly related to colostomy care), including replacement of these devices, are paid under the OPPS, and are therefore packaged with the surgical implantation procedure unless the device has pass-through payment status. This payment provision applies when such a device is billed as a Part B outpatient service, or as a Part B inpatient service when the inpatient admission is determined not reasonable and necessary and the beneficiary should have been treated as a hospital outpatient (see Pub. 100-02, Medicare Benefit Policy Manual, chapter 6, §10.1). In these circumstances, hospitals should submit the usual HCPCS code for Part B payment of the device.
In the other circumstances in which a beneficiary does not have Part A coverage of inpatient services on the date that such a device is implanted (that is, when furnished by a participating hospital to an inpatient who is not entitled to benefits under Part A, has exhausted his or her Part A benefits, or receives services not covered under Part A), hospitals paid under the OPPS should report HCPCS code, C9899, Implanted Prosthetic Device, Payable Only for Inpatients who do not Have Inpatient Coverage, that is effective for services furnished on or after January 1, 2009. This code allows an alternative Part B inpatient payment methodology for the device as discussed in this section, and may be reported only on claims with TOB 12X when the prosthetic device is implanted on a day on which the beneficiary does not have coverage under Part A because he or she is not entitled to Part A benefits, has exhausted his or her Part A benefits, or receives services not covered under Part A. The line containing this new code will be rejected if it is reported on a claim that is not a TOB 12X or if it is reported with a line item date of service on which the beneficiary has coverage of inpatient hospital services. By reporting C9899, the hospital is reporting that the item is eligible for separate OPPS payment because the primary procedure is not a payable Part B inpatient service under Pub. 100-02, Medicare Benefit Policy Manual, Chapter 6, §10.2 (“Other Circumstances in Which Payment Cannot Be Made under Part A”).
If C9899 is a separately payable Part B inpatient service, the contractor shall determine the payment amount as follows. If the device has pass through status under the OPPS, the contractor shall establish the payment amount for the device at the product of the charge for the device and the hospital specific cost to charge ratio. Where the device does not have pass through status under the OPPS, the contractor shall establish the payment amount for the device at the amount for a comparable device in the DMEPOS fee schedule where there is such an amount. Payment under the DMEPOS fee schedule is made at the lesser of charges or the fee schedule amount and therefore if there is a fee for the specific item on the DMEPOS fee schedule, the payment amount for the item will be set at the lesser of the actual charges or the DMEPOS fee schedule amount. Where the item does not have pass through payment status and where there is no amount for a comparable device in the DMEPOS fee schedule, the contractor shall establish a payment amount that is specific to the particular implanted prosthetic device for the applicable calendar year. This amount (less applicable unpaid deductible and coinsurance) will be paid for that specific device for services furnished in the applicable calendar year unless the actual charge for the item is less than the established amount). Where the actual charge is less than the established amount, the contractor will pay the actual charge for the item (less applicable unpaid deductible and coinsurance).
In setting a contractor established payment rate for the specific device, the contractor takes into account the cost information available at the time the payment rate is established. This information may include, but is not limited to, the amount of device cost that would be removed from an applicable APC payment for implantation of the device if the provider received a device without cost or a full credit for the cost of the device.
If the contractor chooses to use this amount, see for the amount of reduction to the APC payment that would apply in these cases. From the OPPS webpage, select “Device, Radiolabeled Product, and Procedure Edits” from the list on the left side of the page. Open the file “Procedure to Device edits” to determine the HCPCS code that best describes the procedure in which the device would be used. Then identify the APC to which that procedure code maps from the most recent Addenda B on the OPPS webpage and open the file “FB/FC Modifier Procedures and Devices”. Select the applicable year’s file of APCs subject to full and partial credit reductions (for example: CY 2008 APCs Subject to Full and Partial Credit Reduction Policy”). Select the “Full offset reduction amount” that pertains to the APC that is most applicable to the device described by C9899. It would be reasonable to set this amount as payment for the device.
For example, if C9899 is reporting insertion of a single chamber pacemaker (C1786 or equivalent narrative description on the claim in “remarks”) the file of procedure to device edits shows that a single chamber pacemaker is the dominant device for APC 0090 (APC 0089 is for insertion of both pacemaker and electrodes and therefore would not apply if electrodes are not also billed). The table of offset reduction amounts for CY 2008 shows that the estimated cost of a single chamber pacemaker for APC 0090 is $4881.77. It would therefore be reasonable for the contractor/MAC to set the payment rate for a single chamber pacemaker to $4881.77. In this case the coinsurance would be $936.75 (20 percent of $4881.77, which is less than the inpatient deductible).
The beneficiary coinsurance is 20 percent of the payment amount for the device (i.e. the pass through payment amount, the DMEPOS fee schedule amount, the contractor established amount, or the actual charge if less than the DMEPOS fee schedule amount or the contractor established amount for the specific device), not to exceed the Medicare inpatient deductible that is applicable to the year in which the implanted prosthetic device is furnished.
When a hospital that is not paid under the OPPS furnishes an implantable prosthetic device other than dental), which replaces all or part of an internal body organ (including colostomy bags and supplies directly related to colostomy care), including replacement of such a device, to an inpatient who has coverage under Part B but does not have Part A coverage, and the primary procedure is not a payable Part B inpatient service under Pub. 100-02, Medicare Benefit Policy Manual, chapter 6, §10.2 (“Other Circumstances in Which Payment Cannot Be Made under Part A”), payment for the implantable prosthetic device is made under the payment mechanism that applies to other hospital outpatient services (e.g., reasonable cost, all inclusive rate, waiver).
Ambulatory surgical center billing code guidelines and how to get payment from insurance. ASC denial, CPT CODES , Authorization and referral Guide. Multiple procedure, Surgical procedure tips. What to get the correct reimbursement in ASC billing setup. SNF billing Guide, tips to use correct CPT AND POS.
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
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